Antonia Myleus
Master's Level (Year 1)
Master's Level (Year 1)
This Project started with a Dérive in Stockholm, where we had to set up a series of rules. My focus point became voids in stockholm as well as focusing on public and private spaces. The task for this second half was to find a site based on our dérive and findings, in order to build collective housing.
The second part of the project was to define the site, as well as defining a group of people to house this collective. In Stockholm today, there is a severe housing shortage, and almost none affordable housing or places to rent. The municipality of Nacka in Stockholm is anticipated to grow 26.000 inhabitants by 2030, whilst allocating no creative or collective spaces. The trend thus remain to buy your own apartment.
For this project I focused on collective housing for performance artists, a group of people amongst the creative arts which have little to none place to practice, engage with the public or work. I have looked into a collective housing situation that offers practice and living spaces for circus artists, actors, poets, writers and so on. There's a public stage where the neighbourhood can partake in theatre, circus shows as well as an outdoor cinema. It is important to create meeting spaces for all types of residents in the area.
I have worked with two sets of 'units', which meet in the middle through a common practicing and culture area. Each unit features single rooms. family rooms as well as outdoor practise spaces. The public functions such as kitchens, living rooms, bathrooms and common areas are spread across the two floors of each unit in order to create spontaneous meetings between residents living in each unit.
The circulation is placed on the outside of the building, where there is a second 'skin' acting as a membrane to the public. The middle floor is open and accessible to the public and see-through, in order not to take away the view from the bridge.